C van Delft VA services

Do what you love!

Spend less time on administrative tasks and spend more time with your clients by hiring a Virtual Assitant.

About me

Celine van Delft
Founder and owner of C van Delft VA Services
My name is Celine. I established my Virtual Assistant business in January 2023. As a Virtual Assitant, I want to help entrepreneurs to get more time for their core business and clients. I will achieve this by offloading different kinds of administrative tasks.

What value do I offer?

I will ensure you will have more time for your clients and your family and friends.
  • Allround
    According to what you as an entrepreneur needs, I can help you with different tasks, like;
    • bookkeeping,
    • customer support,
    • market research,
    • accounts payable and receivable management,
    • email marketing.
  • Good Support
    I will be available for questions, progress updates or any other matters on multiple communication channels, depending on your preferences.
  • Individual Approach
    Since I only work with a few clients, I can give you the attention your company needs.


Contact me for a free discovery call to find out how I can be of value to your business.
WhatsApp: +31 6 53584302
Instagram: @cvandelft_vaservices
LinkedIn: Celine van Delft
Contact form:
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